
Falcon and The Coffee Gardens
Coffee gardens

UGANDA: Our commitment to purchasing coffee based on quality allows The Coffee Gardens to offer higher prices to their registered farmers in Uganda year after year, driving farmer loyalty and strengthening the group.

Origin: Uganda, Mt. Elgon

Timeline: 2019-2024

Partner orgs: Rabo Foundation, Marie Stopes International, Solidaridad, Vi Agroforestry, LSE, World Agroforestry Centre


  • • 564 registered farmers, 22% women
  • • 25% increase in active farmers.
  • • 55% increase in income for farmers.
  • • 51% increase in coffee delivered.
  • • 582 farmers trained on GAPs, including 125 women and 280 youth participants.
  • • 7 model farmers received farm tool kits.


The Coffee Gardens was established in 2017 with the goal of producing specialty coffee in an ethical way, offering a transparent and direct link between coffee farmers and coffee consumers. At the heart of their business model is the concept of the triple-bottom-line, where economic, social, and environmental goals are equally valued and prioritised. A healthy environment and motivated producers are crucial to producing and maintaining quality in coffee. Conversely, environmental degradation and farmer vulnerability are a threat to our future.


Our commitment to coffee purchases based on quality allows The Coffee Gardens to offer, with confidence, higher pricing in a transparent business model to their registered farmers year after year, driving farmer loyalty and strengthening the group.

In 2022 we are coming into the final year of our three-year long MOU with The Coffee Gardens, which is based on buying all coffees based on the relation between quality and pricing. In 2022 we continue to support the promotion of a Gofundme campaign to raise funds to build a new section of their washing station.

For the 2022/2023 season, The Coffee Gardens’ producer network grew to 564 registered farmers, an increase of 25% on the previous year. Income for farmers increased by 55% through a 21% increase in coffee delivered. 582 farmers received training on best agricultural practices, including 125 women and 280 youth participants. Tool kits were distributed to 7 selected model farmers.


There was a 71% loyalty rate for producers in the 2020-21 harvest cycle to The Coffee Gardens due to their transparent pricing system and pricing-for-quality approach. All farmers saw an average increase of between 12-23% in earnings where they supplied mixed coffees to local traders. At the beginning of the 2021-22 harvest they are seeing farmers returning who received pre-harvest loans at a time when the market is at its highest.