Specialty green coffee traders, sourcing from 26 origins on behalf of over 1000 roasters.

Events and Origin Trips

Stay current with all our events across all our regions and look ahead to all our origin trip opportunities.

For more details about the origin trips and events visit the dates on the calendar

Upcoming events and origin trips with the UK/EU teams

Origin Trip! George in Brazil with clients visiting suppliers.

George will be in South of Minas visiting Cocatrel, in Varginha with Jaguara Coffees, and Santo Antônio do Amparo at Fazenda Pinhal and the Gabarra Teixeria Family farms. He’ll be making farm visits and connecting our roaster friends with the farms they buy from, and snacking on countless pão de queijos along the way!

Get in touch if you’d like to join us on a future origin trip; we are always happy to combine our sourcing trips with opportunities to connect roasters with farmers and can give you an idea of costs.

Brighton Coffee Festival 2024

Cupping will take place @ 10:45 on Saturday 10th of all our delicious current crop, please swing by and say hello.

To re-register


Organiser: helen.saville@falconcoffees.com

Upcoming events with the EU team

Organiser: bara@falconspecialty.com

Bara is bringing to you another small tour with Valentina and Gabriel from Siruma.

Hitting the road right after WOC and will have 2 stops in the Czech Republic.
1. Prague – Jilove u Prahy
2. Ostrava – outskirt of Ostrava

Upcoming events with the North America team